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The Global Nature of Lake Superior’s Toxicity

October 06, 2009

Author and Michigan Tech alumnus Melvyn Visser will detail the research behind his new book on the global articulation which promotes the continued toxification of Lake Superior.

Visser found that after initial cleanup efforts, PCB levels had dropped to 50%, but have not decreased since then. However, in the decade and a half of research that went into writing his book, he discovered that it wasn't PCBs but Toxaphenes, the pesticide that replaced DDT and has five times the human toxicity as PCBs, that was the major toxic problem in Lake Superior. Shockingly, Toxaphene is no longer included in the fish consumption advisories. Visser's search for the truth about this issue led him to write Cold, Clear, and Deadly: Unraveling a Toxic Legacy (Michigan State University Press)